From the toddler with too much attitude (she was barely five when she declared she could not live in the same house as me!) to the high-spirited school girl with a mind of her own, Bianca could never be ignored. From the feisty young woman navigating the gritty world of Mumbai’s street children to the competent wife and mother, learning independence and raising two children in distant Canada, Bianca has remained a force to contend with.
Now, Bianca is poised to move from a decade of full-time motherhood into a new phase that will see her step into a space beyond her home. I watch with a heart overflowing with love and pride, as she steps into this brand new arena. I pray that she will use her intelligence and learning and kindness and compassion to realize her true potential and make a difference in the world. Mostly, I marvel that my curly haired little baby has grown into this remarkable young lady, brimming with more courage and assurance than you’d imagine could be contained in her tiny five foot frame!